Sunday 23 October 2022

Past Paper English Second Year 2011 BISE Gujranwala Board | Eureka Study Aids

Past Paper English Second Year
Group II Year 2011 Gujranwala Board
1.Choose the correct option of the following under-lined words from Book-II (Modern Prose and Heroes) Part-I:
1.It is always to the detriment of their health.
(a) gain
(b) loss
(c) good
(d) benefit
2.It is sometimes difficult to find scaffold for them.
(a) store
(b) place
(c) rope
(d) gallows
3.She would announce in deep, funeral tones.
(a) gloomy
(b) happy
(c) real
(d) musical
2.Choose the correct option of the following under-lined words Book-II (Modern Prose and Heroes) Part-II:
1.The heat was incredible.
(a) bearable
(b) unbearable
(c) increasing
(d) decreasing
2.Then, at twenty, he received a share in a legacy.
(a) property
(b) business
(c) inheritance
(d) building
3.The sand is constantly encroaching on the town.
(a) intruding
(b) attacking
(c) moving
(d) advancing
3.choose the correct option of the following under0lined words from the novel Goodbye Mr. Chips:
1.Mr. Chips nodded and stumbled on.
(a) shook
(b) laughed
(c) talked
(d) wept
2.The foggy day gave Chips a chill.
(a) excitement
(b) reminder
(c) contentment
(d) cold
3.Mr. Chips was a little bald.
(a) dwarf
(b) hairless
(c) educated
(d) absent-minded
4.Chatteris was modern and sympathetic.
(a) cruel
(b) kind
(c) great
(d) wise
4. Choose the correct option of appropriate preposition:
1.Let me introduce you --------- my friend.
(a) by
(ii) with
(c) to
(d) from
2.It is not easy to part ---------- one's favourite possession.
(a) from
(b) with
(c) by
(d) away
3.You can never see --------- my plan.
(a) off
(b) with
(c) through
(d) by
4.This shirt is loose ---------- me.
(a) over
(b) on
(c) at
(d) to
5.Adil was ill ---------- fever.
(a) from
(b) by
(c) with
(d) of
5. Choose the correct option:
1.This is a worth seeing sight.
(a) This is a sight worth seeing.
(b) This is worth seeing sight.
(c) This is a sight seeing worth.
(d) This is a worth seeing sight.
2.He has been operated.
(a) He had been operated.
(b) He have been operated.
(c) He has been operated upon.
(d) he has been operated with.
3.There is no place in this compartment.
(a) There are no place in this compartment.
(b) There are no compartment in this compartment.
(c) There is no room in this compartment.
(d) There were no place in this compartment.
4.She comes from a good family.
(a) She comes in a good family.
(b) She comes of a good family.
(c) She comes for a good family.
(d) She comes to a good family.
5.Either you or I are wrong.
(a) Either you or me are wrong.
(b) Either you or I am wrong.
(c) Either you are I is wrong.
(d) Either you or I have wrong.

Past Paper English Second Year
Group II Year 2011 Gujranwala Board
1.Write short answers to any six (in 3-5 lines)questions from Book-II (Modern Prose and Heroes) Part-I:      12
(I) How can mistaken ambition to be a cause of failure?
(ii) What changes according to the writer have occurred in eating habits?
(iii) What do superstitions People believe?
(iv) How did the writer J.C Squire muster up courage to drop the books into the river?
(v) What was the disease the writer Jerome discovered he did not have?
(vi) How did Daiches feel in the last period on Friday at school?
(vii) What did the clerk ask in surprise when Leacock gave him the cheque?
(viii) Why does a Chinese farmer not want to shift to the cities?
(ix) Where was the first record of famine carved?
2.Write short answers to any six (in 3-5 lines) questions from Book-II (Modern Prose and Heroes) Part-II:     12
(I) How did Churchill do his Latin paper?
(ii) How did Mr. Somervell teach English analysis to the students?
(iii) Why did Christopher and his companions kill a camel?
(iv) What was the chief defect of antiseptic method?
(v) Write a note on Penicillin as a wonder drug?
(vi) Give some instances of Pasteur's Patriotism?
(vii) Why was Mustafa Kamal sent to Anatolia?
(viii) How did Mustafa Kamal simplify Turkish language?
3.Write short answers to any Eight (in 3-5 lines) questions from the novel Goodbye Mr. Chips:       16
(I) How did the voice of Chips sound retirement?
(ii) Did Brookfield enjoy a good repute?
(iii) What was the condition of Mrs. Wickett;s house?
(iv) What things haunted Mr. Chips' memories?
(v) Why did Katherine always plead Chips for leniency?
(vi) Account for the popularity of Katherine in Brookfield?
(vii) Why would you describe Ralston's personality?
(viii) What did the chairman of the Governors tell Chips about his retirement?
(ix) Why did Ralston leave Brookfield?
(x) How did people comment on Chips' mentioning Max Staefel , the German Master?
(xi) How did Chips earn the reputation of being a great jester?
(xii) What event took place in 1926 in Brookfield?
1.Write an essay (300 400 words) on any one of the following topics:        15
1.An ideal student
2.A visit to a riverside
3.Pakistan-a paradise on Earth
4.T.V An idiot Box
2.Use any Five of the following idioms in sentences of your own:  10
1.Bad Blood
2.Give up
3.A bird's eye view
4.Call on
5.Take after
6.fall a prey to
7.Hard and Fast
8.Part and Parcel



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