Friday 28 October 2022

Past Paper English Second Year 2017 BISE Gujranwala Board | Eureka Study Aids

 Past Paper English Second Year
Group I Year 2017 Gujranwala Board
1.Choose the correct option of the following under-lined option from Book-II (Modern Prose and Heroes) Part-I:
1.The space beyond the milky way is immensely cold.
(a) The marks
(b) The sun
(c) Collections of stars
(d) The wandering star
2.The western countries realized the absurdity of the past oblivion for having China of U.N for a long time.
(a) concern
(b) stupidity
(c) willfulness
(d) wisdom
3.The writer used to lie waiting for the ominous tread.
(a) joyful
(b) musical
(c) beauty
(d) gloomy
2.Choose the correct option of the following under-lined words from Book-II (Modern Prose and Heroes) Part-II:
1.The conditions in the Sahara were agonizing.
(a) painful
(b) pleasant
(c) fascinating
(d) magnifying
2.The encounters caused concentration not only among the Allies but also, in Istanbul himself.
(a) regards
(b) alarm
(c) praise
(d) discussion
3.Injecting carbolic acid was abandoned.
(a) Practiced
(b) developed
(c) flourished
(d) given up
3.Choose the correct option of the following under-lined words from the novel Goodbye Mr. Chips:
1.Ralston was a live-wire.
(a) diligent
(b) sluggish
(c) determined
(d) energetic person
2.Some snobbish people said that they thought they had heard of Brookfield.
(a) arrogant
(b) humble
(c) excited
(d) polite
3.Chips made desultory notes in an exercise book.
(a) arranged
(b) beautiful
(c) ordinary
(d) haphazard
4.Mr. Chips saw Mrs. Merivale stooping over him.
(a) beating
(b) crying
(c) weeping
(d) bending
4.Choose the correct option of appropriate preposition:
1.Hard work is the key ----------- successful.
(a) in
(b) on
(c) at
(d) to
2.He is addicted ---------- smoking.
(a) in
(b) to
(c) for
(d) from
3.I have a great taste ---------- literature.
(a) to
(b) in
(c) for
(d) towards
4.He is not eligible ------- this post.
(a) to
(b) at
(c) for
(d) with
5.I reminded him ----------- his promise.
(a) of
(b) with
(c) for
(d) into
5.Choose the correct option:
1.The prisoner hanged in the jail.
(a) The prisoner was hanged in the jail.
(b) The prisoner was hung in the jail.
(c) The prisoner hung in the jail.
(d) The prisoner was hanging in the jail.
2.Earlier you sleep, earlier you get up.
(a) Early you sleep, early you get up.
(b) The earlier you sleep, the earlier you get up.
(c) Earlier you sleep, the earlier you get up.
(d) The earlier you sleep, earlier you get up.
3.He is more taller than you.
(a) He is the more taller than you.
(b) He is taller than you.
(c) He is the taller than you.
(d) He is the more tall than you.
4.Economics are his favourite subject.
(a) The Economics is his favourite subject.
(b) The Economics are his favourite subject.
(c) Economics is his favorite subject.
(d) Economic is his favourite subject.
5.Work hard lest you may fail.
(a) Work hard lest you should fail.
(b) Work hard lest you will fail
(c) Work hard lest you failed.
(d) Work hard if you should fail.

Past Paper English Second Year
Group I Year 2017 Gujranwala Board

1.Write short answers to any six (in 3-5 lines) questions from Book-II (Modern Prose and Heroes) Part-I:       12
(I) How did life appear on the earth?
(ii) How did Daiches buy his first bicycle?
(iii) Why could not  the author burn the unwanted books?
(iv) Why did the chemist return perception to Jerome K. Jerome?
(v) What other blunders did Leacock commit after leaving the manager's office?
(vi) Why the phrase, lack of femininity of the Chinese women is used by the author in "China's way to progress?
(vi) Why the people in the past could not easy a variety of food throughout the year?
(vii) According to the author, there are some boys who fail because they do not try. Who are they? Can we help them?
(viii) What does the hunger mean on a large scale as viewed by the author?
2.Write short answers to any six (in 3-5 lines) questions from Book-II (Modern Prose and Heroes) Part-II:     12
(I) Why did Churchill call examination an "inhospitable region"?
(ii) Write a brief note on Christopher's journey to Kidal?
(iii) What was the most noticeable feature of the dessert city named "Ghardaia"?
(iv) Was Fleming proud of his discovery?
(v) How does a man of his discovery?
(vi) How did a man in Italy express his thanks for Fleming?
(vii) What was the out-come of Pasteur's discoveries?
(viii) Who was the first human being whom Pasteur treated of Rabbies?
(ix) Describe the reforms introduced by Mustafa Kamal with reference to the position of women?
3.Write short answers to any Eight (in 3-5 lines) questions from the novel Goodbye Mr. Chips:      16
(I) What advice did Wetherby give to Chips is his first meeting?
(ii) Describe physical charms of Katherine?
(iii) How did Master's wives receive Katherine at Brookfield?
(iv) How did Katherine help Chips in the matters of discipline?
(v) What were Chips feeling on the death of his wife and child?
(vi) What was the effect of Katherine's death on Chips?
(vii) Describe Ralston as a head of Brookfield?
(viii) Describe Mr. Chips' farewell party?
(ix) What was Chips' joke about abhorrendum?
(x) Who was Burrow and why did Chips call him stink-merchants?
(xi) What role did Brookfield boys play during the General Strike of 1926?
(xii) Who was Linford? How did Chips receive him?
5.Write an essay (300-400 words) on any one of the following topics:      15
1.Life in a big city.
2.Blessing of Science.
3.My Hobby.
6.Use any Five of the following idioms in sentences of your own:  10
1.Bag and baggage
2.Call names
3.Few and far between
4.Red tape.
5.In the nick of time.
6.Up to the mark.
7.Turn to
8.Bear with

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