Tuesday 11 October 2022

Past Paper English Second Year 2011 BISE Lahore Board | Eureka Study Ads

Past Paper English Second Year
Group I Year 2011 Lahore Board
Section -1

1.write short answers to any six( in 3-5 lines) questions from Book-II(Modern Prose and Heroes) Part-I:    12
(I)  How did planets come into being?
(ii)  How has the scientific method helped us in preservation of food?
(iii)  How can the failure of talented students be prevented?
(iv)  How did David Daiches feel on Sunday night?
(v)  Why should according to the writer bad books be destroyed?
(vi)  What did Jerome discover about typhoid?
(vii)  Where does the writer keep his money after his bitter experience in the bank?
(viii)  How does China relay on it's own resources?
(ix)   What kind of plants did Abd al-Rahman introduce in his palace?
2.Write short answers to any six ( in 3-5 lines) questions from Book-II (Modern Prose and Heroes) Part-II:    12
(I)  What did Churchill do in his Latin paper?
(ii)  How did Christopher manage to get a seat in the Weapon Carrier?
(iii)  What did Christopher's step-mother threaten him and what effect did it exert  on him?
(iv)   What is Lysozyme and how Fleming discovered it?
(v)   How did a man in Italy express his thanks for Fleming?
(vi)  What is Hydrophobia or Rabies?
(vii)  Describe the reforms introduce by Mustafa Kamal with reference to the adoption of the Roman script?
(viii)  Who began to obstruct the Allies to Eastern Anatolia?
 3.Write short answers to any six ( in 3-5 lines) questions from the Novel Goodbye Mr. chips:      16
(I)  Where did Mr. chips live after his retirement?
(ii)  What type of school of Brookfield?
(iii)  How did Chips welcome the new-comers?
(iv)  What was general appearance of Katherine Bridges?
(v)   How did Katherine influence Chips? 
(vi)   How did Katherine help Mr. Chips in his job?
(vii)  What did Chips receive on 1st April?
(viii)  Where did chips shift to after his wife's death?
(ix)   How did Chips serve Ralston?
(x)   When did Ralston leave Brookfield and where did he go?
(xi)  Whom did Chips leave his money in his will?
(xii)  How did Chips entertain Linford?
1.Write an essay (300-400 words) on any one of the following topics:   15
1. A visit to a Historical Place
2. My Last Day at College
3.Village Life
4. Kashmir Issue
5.Use any five of the following idioms in sentences of your own:   10
1. Run over
2. Break into
3. Look into
4. In the air
5.In a nutshell
6. To break the ice
7. Better half
8. Keep Pace with
6.Translate the following passage into English:   15

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